Flitter Milz represents people in individual and class action lawsuits with legal problems involving consumer credit transactions. This includes credit reporting, vehicle repossessions, collector abuse, and consumer protection. Our firm evaluates whether a consumer's rights have been violated -- at no cost to the consumer. We spend the time that is necessary, often hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars in expenses to tenaciously litigate a case that might otherwise over-burden the resources available to legal services programs.
Class action lawsuits are ideal for many types of consumer law claims. This type of case seeks justice for an entire group of consumers who experienced the same type of illegal treatment. Often these cases have funds left over once the distribution period ends. These residual funds occur where class members can not be located, are incarcerated, have passed away, or simply failed to cash their settlement check. Left over funds, with court approval, can be designated to an organization or non-profit with goals closely related to the goals of the class action lawsuit -- cy pres, or "next best" distribution.
Our class action lawsuits have designated over $2.5M in undistributed, residual settlement funds. These cy pres funds have been approved for distribution to Legal Aid Programs, law school clinical programs and other consumer non-profits to serve the needs of their low-income consumer clients.
Contact Us to discuss your client's consumer law matter.
Community Legal Services
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania
MidPenn Legal Services
North Penn Legal Services
Northwestern Legal Services
Neighborhood Legal Services - Pittsburgh
Philadelphia Legal Assistance
PLAN - Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network
Consumer Bankruptcy Assistance Project
New Jersey
Northeast New Jersey Legal Services
Central Jersey Legal Services
South Jersey Legal Services
Other State's Programs
Distributions have been made to legal services providers in New York, Florida, Texas, Nebraska, Massachusetts and elsewhere.
Distribution of residual funds to Community Legal Services of Philadelphia.
Pictured (l-r): Peter Schneider, Esq., Kerry Smith, Esq., Cary Flitter, Esq., Michael Froehlich, Esq. & Rachel Labush, Esq.
We at Flitter Milz, P.C., hope that you and your loved ones remain healthy and safe throughout this difficult time. We want you to know that our firm is open to serve your legal needs. Our staff is available by phone, email, or video conference. Please feel free to call with any questions or specific concerns.
Take care and be safe.
Cary Flitter & Andy Milz
Toll Free: 888-668-1225
Email: consumers@ConsumersLaw.com