Don’t let an inaccurate consumer report keep you from obtaining the credit you seek or the job you deserve. Before you submit a credit application or apply for a job or apartment, obtain current credit reports directly from Transunion, Experian and Equifax. Review them for accuracy. You may find errors that have negatively affected your credit score. If errors are not corrected by the credit bureaus, there are laws to protect your consumer rights.
Do you need help? Contact Flitter Milz.
Flitter Milz, PC is an expert in this field and has obtained millions of dollars in relief for consumers victimized by credit reporting errors.
Attorney Andy Milz speaks about Credit Reporting
Accuracy and Privacy Issues
The Law: Fair Credit Reporting Act
The Fair Credit Reporting Act is a federal law governing consumer credit report accuracy and privacy. It protects consumers reporting of inaccurate or incomplete information, duplicate listings for the same debt, mixed credit files and outdated information. The law also regulates the disclosure and sharing of your credit files.
The law extends protections to background reports that are sought by prospective employers for new hires or for employee promotions, or by a landlord when a consumer is seeking a lease for a rental property. These types of reports must also be accurate, and released only for authorized purposes.
"My credit report showed an unpaid medical bill for treatment I had never received. I disputed the listing with the credit bureaus. It wasn’t removed until Flitter Milz got involved.”
Through April 2021, consumers may request a credit report for free from Transunion, Experian and Equifax. To obtain your credit report, write to the bureaus or visit You may need to provide proof of identity, such as a current driver’s license, utility bill or pay stub to have the credit reports sent to you.
The three main credit bureaus receive regular updates from creditors on consumer credit files. Review listings on each report as information may vary from one report to another. If you do not recognize accounts or if the information is incorrect you will need to take steps to get the errors corrected. Also, check the inquiry section of your report to see who has obtained a copy of your credit report. You may see a company you don’t recognize or discover that your report was obtained without your permission and without any application for credit.
Errors must be disputed in writing with the credit bureaus. Writing only to your lender or credit furnisher will not protect your consumer rights. We recommend mailed rather than online disputes. The bureaus have 30 days to respond to your written dispute. Contact us to discuss how to dispute effectively with the credit bureaus.
You must give your permission, or there must be a permissible purpose, for your credit report to be accessed.
"The door-to-door salesman never mentioned that his company would be pulling my credit report, which ultimately lowered my credit score. Flitter Milz sued to protect my credit privacy."
Credit applications allow prospective lenders to review information on your credit report to gauge your creditworthiness. Factors such as the type of credit, credit usage and payment histories are evaluated. In addition, a lender will look to see if there are judgments, liens, foreclosures or vehicle repossessions listed.
Credit scores range from about 300 to 850. Your credit score indicates the risk factor to a lender, employer and others. Lower credit scores may result in credit denials or unfavorable credit terms such as higher interest rates, longer terms or lower credit limits.
Flitter Milz is the authority in representing consumers with credit reporting issues. Contact us today, for a free legal review of your credit reports and to evaluate whether your consumer rights have been violated. Call 866-493-2022.
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