2004 WL 2966932 (E.D. Pa. 2004)
This case was brought against a Montgomery County, PA car dealer and its principles who stole identities of prospective and former customers to scam banks and the consumers. In approving a class settlement valued at over $4.5 million in cash, loan forgiveness, and credit report correction, the federal judge overseeing the case noted that: “Counsel for plaintiffs are commercial litigation attorneys from two different law firms with substantial experience in prosecuting and managing class actions. They are competent, well-qualified and conducted the litigation with forthrightness and vigor.”
We at Flitter Milz, P.C., hope that you and your loved ones remain healthy and safe throughout this difficult time. We want you to know that our firm is open to serve your legal needs. Our staff is available by phone, email, or video conference. Please feel free to call with any questions or specific concerns.
Take care and be safe.
Cary Flitter & Andy Milz
Toll Free: 888-668-1225
Email: consumers@ConsumersLaw.com