Noteworthy Case: Gager v Dell Financial
727 F.3d 265 (3d Cir. 2013)
In the first case of its kind in the federal appeals courts, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit held that under the federal telephone statute consumers may block annoying robocalls to their cell phones by revoking any consent to call implied by applications for credit. The lower court's dismissal of the consumer's case was reversed and the ruling became precedent for consumer privacy rights nationwide.
See court opinion - Appeal
Los Angeles Times, 8/23/13: Cellphone Users May Opt Out of Robocalls, Court says in Dell Ruling
Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 8/26/13: Court: Cellphone Customers May Block Robocalls
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Cary Flitter & Andy Milz
Toll Free: 888-668-1225