Several class action lawsuits are pending around the country against banks, finance companies, credit bureaus, debt collectors, and other businesses who deal with consumers. Many, but certainly not all, are based upon violations of the repossession, debt collection, and credit reporting laws. There are also cases for violations to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), a law that protects consumers who receive unwanted, auto-dialed calls or text messages to their cell phone.
Sometimes class settlements yield a modest amount. The class settlement may be fair and provide all that the law allows per person.
At the same time, a class member may wish to pursue an individual claim and choose to exclude him or herself, or choose to challenge the settlement. This is an important decision and requires consideration of several factors.
Your options to remain in the class, opt out, or challenge the settlement are outlined in the class notice. There may be strict procedures to follow and deadlines when you must act. Read the Class Notice carefully.
For questions, contact Flitter Milz for a no cost consultation.