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Flitter Milz represents people with a variety of problems involving consumer credit and collections. If you have a particular question or believe your consumer rights have been violated, Contact Us for a no cost consultation.

How to Get a Job When You Have Poor Credit

Finding a new job can feel like a full time job in itself. First identifying companies and positions, then prepare your resume and cover letters.

The next most important step is to check your credit reports.

Employers usually check credit reports during the hiring process as a means to gauge the applicant’s responsibility with finances. Not all employers check credit reports during the employment screening process. But those that do, often check for positions that involve a security clearance, access to money, sensitive customer data or confidential company information.

An employment screening report only includes your account payment record, how much you owe, and your available credit. Potential employers can’t see your credit score. Follow these steps to prepare your credit before applying for a new job.

1. Obtain current credit reports

When you start looking for a new job, get a copy of your credit report. You should know appears on your report before a prospective employer obtains a copy. You can get a free report every 12 months from each of the three credit bureaus – Transunion, Experian and Equifax.

Review your reports for accuracy. If you see errors, dispute them directly with the reporting bureau. If you have negative listings like a car repossession or defaulted account, these should only stay on your report for 7 1/2 years.

2. Ask employer about credit checks

If you have negative credit listings and you’re concerned about the role they’ll play in your job search, contact your target companies anonymously and ask if they check credit as part of their candidate screening process. If you think it will be an issue, you might choose not to spend time on applications for a company that asks for your credit history.

3. Know your rights

Potential employers can ask for a copy of your credit file. However, there are guidelines that must be followed.
1) You must provide written permission for a company to request your report.
2) The company must notify you of the company that provide the employment screening report.
3) You may write to the screening report company to request a copy of the report that was used in the employment hiring process.

4. Take steps to improve your credit

Your job search will be easier in the future if you don’t have to worry about how your credit might affect your eligibility. Be proactive and evaluate your credit before applying for that new job.

-Review your credit file in advance.
-Make bill payments in full and on time.
-Use less than thirty percent of the credit that’s available to you.
-Maintain a healthy debt-to-income ratio.
-Dispute errors on your credit reports.

Seek Legal Help

Flitter Milz is a nationally recognized consumer protection law firm that represents victims with credit reporting accuracy problems.  Contact Us for a free legal review of your credit reports and an evaluation of whether your consumer rights were violated.


Check Your Credit Score Before Submitting New Applications

Before you applying for new credit or a job, or submitting a lease application for a new home or apartment, check your credit reports and score. You can obtain a free copy of your credit report every twelve months by writing to the credit bureaus – Transunion, Experian and Equifax.

How to Obtain your Credit Score

Your credit score, which is a number that tells a lender how likely you are to pay credit back on time and is based on your credit history, can be obtained in various ways.

  1. Purchase your score from the credit reporting companies, like FICO.
  2. Many credit cards companies have started to include an offer to obtain credit scores in monthly statements. Check with your credit card issuer to see if your score is available.
  3. A credit counselor may also be able to give you your score.
  4. There are a number of websites that offer free credit scores, but be sure to read the fine print before you sign up. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau says:
    “Many services and websites advertise a “free credit score.” Some sites may be funded through advertising and not charge a fee. Other sites may require that you sign up for a credit monitoring service with a monthly subscription fee in order to get your “free” score. These services are often advertised as “free” trials, but if you don’t cancel within the specified period (often as short as one week), you could be on the hook for a monthly fee. Before you sign up to try one of these services, be sure you know what you are signing up for and how much it really costs.”

Get Legal Help

Flitter Milz is a consumer protection law firm that represents victims of credit reporting problems. Whether you are facing loan denials, lowered credit limits, increased interest rates, the consumer protection laws may provide protections. Contact Us today to discuss your credit report problems and find out how we can help.  There is no cost for the legal evaluation.

Avoid Credit Damage During Divorce

Divorce is an emotionally challenging time when you may be preoccupied with child custody, property and insurance issues.  However, your finances are just as important.

While a divorce alone won’t hurt your credit, certain consequences of divorce could. When a relationship ends on bad terms, joint accounts with missed or late payments will tarnish your credit.

Protect accounts in your name

  • Obtain current credit reports so that you can see all accounts listed in your name, and those listed jointly. The value of an accurate report is priceless.
  • Establish a budget and payment plan for your obligations. Pay attention to obligations that you must pay, such as mortgages and utilities, and those that may be considered as luxuries.
  • Evaluate accounts in joint names. Discuss with your attorney whether these accounts can be closed and/or reassigned to you or your spouse.
  • Learn the difference between credit score and credit report.

For more detailed information on how to handle your finances during a divorce, consult with a family law attorney that is aware of the types of consumer protection issues that divorce clients face.

Get Legal Help

Flitter Milz is a nationally recognized consumer protection law firm that represents victims of credit reporting errors and abusive collectors tactics.  Contact Us to discuss inaccuracies on your credit report, or letters and phone calls from collectors.  There is no cost for the legal review.

Credit Scores and Credit Repair…not a Quick Fix

A high credit score makes many aspects of our lives more simple. It may be easier to purchase a home or car, secure a new line of credit, rent an apartment, or possibly be hired for a job or awarded a promotion.

What is a good credit score?

A credit score of 800 and above is considered excellent and indicates that the consumer not only uses credit, but pays bills in full and on time. A  score in the 700s is considered good, however there may be some negative listing on the credit report such as late payments. Scores falling in the 600s are considered fair and may represent denial of a loan, or possibly approval but with lower credit limits or higher interest rates . Lower scores indicate to lenders that the consumer is a high credit risk and either, the consumer may be denied, or credit would be offered with unfavorable terms.

Credit score ranges

Image via

Consumers with poor credit may seek ways to repair and improve their credit scores quickly. However, it’s a process that takes time and responsible financial management.  Paying bills in full and on time, maintaining a low credit utilization, and paying off debt are critical steps.  Also, a regular review of your credit report for accuracy is important.  Every twelve months consumers are entitled to a free report from each, Transunion, Experian and Equifax.  If there are errors listed on the credit report, the consumer should promptly dispute the errors.

Send a dispute letter to the bureau by US Mail with an explanation of the error and documents that support your claim.  Be sure to keep a complete copy of your dispute.  The credit bureaus have 30 days to respond to disputes.  The bureau does not correct the error, you may need to re-dispute until your report has been corrected.

Seek Legal Help

Flitter Milz is a nationally recognized consumer protection law firm that represents victims of credit reporting errors by credit data furnishers and the credit bureaus.  Contact us  for a free evaluation of your credit report errors for a potential violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Everyday Impact of Credit Scores

Many Americans have never checked their credit report or are aware of all the ways in which credit affects their lives. Poor credit can affect things like utility deposits, car insurance, and cell phone service options. Your credit can also affect your ability to get a job or rent an apartment.

NerdWallet Infographic

Check Your Credit

Every consumer is entitled to a free credit report from all three credit bureaus – TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax – every twelve months. Always check your credit report regularly and make sure all information is accurate and up to date. If you find any inaccuracies, dispute directly with the reporting bureau.

Improve Poor Credit

The best way to improve your credit is to make all of your payments in full and on time. Rather than carrying a small balance, it’s best to just pay it off completely. Keeping your credit utilization low will also help your score improve over time.

Seek Legal Help

Flitter Milz is a nationally recognized consumer protection law firm that represents victims of credit reporting errors.  Contact Us for a free evaluation of your credit reports and determination of whether your consumer rights have been violated.

How to Recover from Holiday Credit Card Debt

Now that the holidays have come and gone, you may be struggling with extra credit card debt. Studies have shown that the average American household with credit card debt pays more than $1,200 per year in interest. Not only does debt cause stress, it also harms your credit. Follow these steps and chip away at your holiday debt each month to avoid high interest charges and maintain healthy credit.

1) Pay More Than the Minimum

Carrying a balance each month is unhealthy for your credit score and also makes you susceptible to interest charges. To avoid a month to month balance, pay more than the minimum amount that appears on your monthly statement. Avoid spending above your means and pay off any new charges in full. This will help you put a dent in your debt and reduce the amount of interest you owe over time.

2) Pay Off a Set Amount Each Month

Set aside some time to assess your finances and determine a realistic amount that you can dedicate toward paying off your debt each month. For example, you may want to set up auto-pay on your account with this specified amount. If the amount is automatically withdrawn from your account each month, you’ll be less likely to feel tempted to spend it on something else as the payment date draws near.

3) Keep Your Credit Utilization Low

As you work toward paying off your debt, focus on keeping your credit utilization lower. Try to cap your credit card usage at around 30%, which will make your payments more manageable.

Here’s how to calculate your usage

Divide your credit card balance by your credit limit.  Move the decimal point two places to the right. This is your current credit usage. A higher percentage will harm your credit while a lower percentage will help.

          Example: Credit Usage Calculation
Statement Balance = $500
Credit Limit = $1000
$500 divided by $1000 = $0.5
Move decimal two places to the right = 50
Current Credit Usage = 50%

4) Spend Wisely

Stick to a firm budget to avoid letting your credit card balances continue to creep higher.  Evaluate your income in relation to fixed expenses.  Try to keep your spending within your means.  As you have extra funds, place them in a savings account so that you’re prepared for unexpected expenses…or those holiday gifts you’d like to buy.

Seek Free Legal Help

Once you fall behind on payments, the creditor may choose to assign or sell your obligation to a collection agency or law firm collector.  It’s important to know your rights and the laws that protect you from abusive collection tactics. Whether you owe the debt or not, the collector must follow the law.

Flitter Milz is a nationally recognized consumer protection law firm that represents victims of abusive collection practices.  Contact Us for a free evaluation to determine whether your consumer rights have been violated.

Improve Your Credit Health

Make your credit health a priority by assessing your credit and determining where you can make improvements. Set yourself up for success. Identify financial goals and outline clear steps to achieve them.

Resolve to Make Payments On Time

Set up a system and strive to pay your bills on time and in full. 

  • Set up automatic payments on  accounts 
    Payments will be automatically withdrawn from your account, meaning you never run the risk of a forgotten bill.
  • Align payment dates with pay check dates
    Review payment due dates for your accounts. If an important bill is due right before you receive your pay check, contact the creditor to see if your due date could be adjusted to coordinate with your pay check date.
  • Set reminders for bill payment due dates
    Mark your calendar for dates when your payment must be made.  If you send your payment through the mail, note the mailing date so that your payment is received by the creditor on time.
  • Contact the creditor to request deferment
    If you know that you won’t be able to make a loan payment on time, contact the lender before the due date passes. The lender may allow you to defer payments until your financial situation improves. A deferment still appears on your credit report, but a deferment doesn’t reflect as negatively as a default.

Resolve to Reduce Debt

Determine a set amount that you can put toward debt payoff each month.

Identify a set time period to pay off specific debts. With focus and discipline, small manageable payments will help achieve your goal. Also, these regular on time payments show responsibility to creditors.

Improve Your Credit Score & Credit Report

A credit score is derived from a formula of your payment history, length of credit, type of credit and credit usage.  It is an indicator of how likely you are to pay your bills on time.  Scores range from 300 to 850.  A lower score means that you may be a higher risk to a prospective lender, resulting in a credit denial or unfavorable credit terms for a loan.

An accurate credit report may raise your credit score.

You can get a free credit report from each of the three main credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion, every twelve months. Check your report regularly to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date. If there are errors, dispute them by sending a letter directly to the credit bureaus. Your letter should include documents, such as an account statement or cancelled check, that proves why the error should be corrected.

In addition, you may want to write to the creditor to dispute a credit report error. Show a copy of your report and state why the listing is incorrect.  Request the creditor write the credit bureau to correct the listing.

Seek Free Legal Help

Flitter Milz is a nationally recognized consumer protection law firm representing victims with credit reporting accuracy and privacy issues. Contact us for a free legal evaluation to determine whether your consumer rights have been violated by the credit bureaus, debt collectors or lenders.

What’s the Difference Between a Credit Score and a Credit Report?

You’ve heard the terms credit report and credit score, but do you know the difference between the two?

What is a Credit Score?

A credit score is a number associated with a person’s credit files to indicate their “creditworthiness”. Lenders, such as banks and credit card companies, use credit scores to evaluate the potential risk posed by lending money to consumers. Lenders use credit scores as one of various factors in determining who qualifies for a loan, at what interest rate, and at what credit limit. Private companies use special computer programs to determine a credit score based upon a matrix of factors.

What is a Credit Report?

A credit report contains more detailed information than a credit score. It’s a statement that has information about your credit activity showing the  payment history on loans, credit cards, debt, and other financial obligations. Credit reports also list employment, legal, and bankruptcy information. The information listed on your report will in turn affect your credit score. Negative listings, such as a car repossession, can remain on your report for up to 7 1/2 years.

When Should I Check My Credit?

It’s important to check both your credit report and credit score regularly. If you are looking to secure credit for a mortgage, car loan, or personal loan,  get copies of your credit report and check your credit score BEFORE submitting an application for new credit. When a consumer requests a credit report, it is considered as a “soft inquiry” and your credit score will not be affected negatively. Always check your credit reports and scores before you apply for new credit.

Consumers are entitled to receive one free credit report from Transunion, Experian, and Equifax every twelve months.

Get Legal Help

Flitter Milz is a nationally recognized consumer protection law firm that represents victims of inaccurate credit reporting and the problems that stem from errors that are not corrected, such as loan denial, increased interest rates, or lowered credit limits.  Contact Us to discuss problems on your credit report.  There is no cost for the consultation.


8 Things that could Harm Your Credit Score

Your credit history plays an important role in your financial health. A lower credit score and negative credit report listings make it more difficult to obtain approval for a loan application when you are trying to finance a home, purchase a car, obtain a credit card or a personal loan. Equally, these items can make it more difficult to secure a job or an apartment.

It takes time and discipline to build healthy credit. Here are eight situations to avoid as you establish your credit.

Late Payments

Late payments will harm your credit score. Pay in full and on time to improve your score.

Loan Defaults

A loan can default immediately after a missed payment, or several months after missed payments, or for other reasons, such as allowing insurance on your vehicle to lapse. This will depend upon the terms in the loan agreement. If you are struggling to make payments, contact the lender before you default. You may be able to defer payments until you are more financially stable. A deferral will appear on your credit report as well, but it will not harm your credit as much as a default.

Car Repossession

Failing to make auto loan payments can result in repossession of the vehicle. A car repossession can remain on your credit report for up to seven years. If you can’t make a scheduled payment, contact your lender to see if you can defer payments and avoid a repossession.

Charged-off Accounts

A charged-off account occurs when payments are delinquent and the bank writes the debt off as uncollectable. This generally happens after months without payment. Charged-off accounts have a very negative impact on credit and should be avoided at all costs.

Maxed Out Credit Limit

Each account has a credit limit that should not be exceeded. Strive to use 30% or less of your available credit to keep your credit score healthy.


Many consumers view bankruptcy as an opportunity to start anew, but filing for bankruptcy will negatively affect your credit score and can remain on your credit report for many years. Seek alternatives before filing. Certain consumer protection laws may protect you without having to file for bankruptcy. 

Lack of Credit History

A lack of credit history can also hurt you. Creditors will have no way to know your creditworthiness and whether or not you will be a risk. Young adults should open an account and pay off the balance in full and on time each month to build a healthy credit score over time.

Long Periods of Unemployment

A long lapse in employment and a high debt to income ratio can also hurt your credit.  

Seek Legal Help

Flitter Milz is a consumer protection law firm that represents people that have become victim of inaccurate credit reporting, unfair debt collection practices, unlawful vehicle repossessions and “robocalls” from lenders, telemarketers and debt collectors. Contact Us to discuss your legal rights whether you have fallen behind on obligations or not.


Why was my Credit Application Denied?

Applications for new credit go through an approval process. The prospective lender has criteria that is considered when reviewing a credit application.  Factors such as the items listed below may have been examined:

–   Your credit and payment history
–   Your income
–   Your total debt to income ratio
–   Multiple applications for credit within a short period
–   Had you filed for bankruptcy
–   Your age
–   Do you need a co-signer

While specific qualification criteria may vary from one creditor to another, a determination is made whether to extend or deny the application. When a credit application is denied, the applicant will receive a letter from the creditor with an explanation of why the credit was declined. Here are some possible reasons behind your credit denial:

Errors on your Loan Application
Your application had errors.  Review your loan application to see whether information was incomplete or misspelled.  Check your identifying information closely for your full name, address, social security number, and birth date. Remember that multiple applications in a short amount of time could also hurt your ability to be approved.

Errors on your Credit Report
Within 60 days of a credit application denial, you may request a free credit report from each of the credit bureaus  —  Transunion, Experian and Equifax. Write to the bureaus for a new report.  Review them for listings that may be inaccurate.  If you see errors, such as duplicate negative listings, accounts that you do not recognize, or incorrect reporting, you must send written disputes to the credit bureaus.  Your dispute letter should include documents that illustrate why the error should be corrected.  Send your letter by Certified Mail, Return Receipt to the credit bureau.  They have 30 days to respond to your dispute.  If the bureaus continue to list the error, you may need to send a second dispute.

Employment History
Review your employment information. Make sure the listings for your employer(s) are accurate.  If there has been a lapse in employment, it could be a factor that was considered for the credit denial.

Credit Payment History
Erratic payment history can also lead to credit denial. Late or missed payments and charged off accounts reflect negatively on your payment history. High balances, collection accounts, and repossessions could also lead to denial.  Also, no credit history could be reason for denial. Creditors may be unwilling to offer credit if you don’t have a well-established credit score.

Public Records
Review your report to see if there are public records listed for bankruptcy, judgments, or tax (or other) liens.  If any of these items have been satisfied, you will need to dispute the listing with the credit bureau and provide documentation showing the obligation has been paid.

Financial Problems
Financial struggles can also be the root of credit denial. Collection accounts and a high debt to income ratio will reflect negatively on your credit history. A high number of credit inquiries are another negative.

Seek Legal Help

Flitter Milz is a nationally recognized consumer protection law firm representing victims of credit reporting privacy and accuracy issues, abusive debt collection contact and wrongful repossessions.  Contact Us to discuss your consumer credit concern.