When a debt collector contacts you to collect payment on an account, it can be scary and overwhelming, especially if the debt in question is unfamiliar to you. Collectors may contact you from an agency you’ve never heard of, and some may even threaten legal action against you.
It’s possible that you don’t recognize the debt because the original creditor assigned it to a collection agency or sold it to a debt buyer. Collection lawyers may also try to collect on debts in certain situations. However, it’s also possible that you don’t recognize the debt because you don’t owe it.
What to do when you’re contacted by a debt collector
Whenever you receive any debt collection contact, the collector is required to mail a letter within five days that tells you the amount of the debt and the original creditor. This letter should also explain your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If you don’t receive this letter, it could be a sign that the collector may not be legitimate.
If you receive this letter and still don’t recognize the debt, write to the collector and request proof of the debt and how they’ve calculated the amount claimed. If you have proof the debt was paid, include these documents with your dispute letter. Always keep a copy of any correspondence with the collector.
Seek Free Legal Help
Flitter Milz is a nationally recognized consumer protection law firm that represents victims of abusive collection contact. Contact Us for a free legal evaluation of collection calls or letters that have been sent to you.