Medical emergencies occur as we go through life. Often, health issues are unexpected and can end up costing thousands of dollars in medical bills. With the lapse in time from when you are billed by a medical provider to the time your health insurance company pays, very quickly accounts can be turned over to third party debt collectors, and frequently, become listings on your credit report.
Even when the medical bills are paid, the time spent in collection status may negatively impact credit reports and lower credit scores. The result could make it more difficult to get approved for a loan, purchase a car, rent an apartment, or even get a job.
How to Manage your Credit Score
Your credit score is a three-digit number that’s used by lenders to predict the likelihood that you’ll pay your credit obligations on time. Scores range from 300 – 850 and are calculated based on credit history information listed on credit reports. Make sure that information listed on your credit report is accurate. Incorrect listings may contribute to lower credit scores. Take these steps to make sure your credit score is an accurate reflection of your credit history.
Obtain Current Credit Reports
Every twelve months you are entitled to obtain new credit reports for free from each Transunion, Experian and Equifax. There may be a fee from the credit bureaus if you need to request reports more often.
Review your Credit Reports for Accuracy
The bureaus list not only personal information, such as your name, birth date, social security number, addresses and employment history, but also list account payment information, liens, judgments and bankruptcies. Learn to read your credit report . If there are errors that could bring your credit score down, take steps to get them corrected.
Dispute Errors on your Credit Reports
If there are errors on your reports, send written disputes to the credit bureaus. Your dispute letter should be concise and provide documents illustrating why the listing is incorrect. Send your dispute to the bureau by Certified Mail, Return Receipt, so that you have proof your dispute was received. Be sure to keep copies of your complete dispute. The credit bureau has 30 days to respond to your dispute.
Collection contact over Medical Debt
Once a medical provider assigns the collection of a medical debt to a collection agency or law firm collector, the consumer has rights against a collector’s abusive collection practices. Whether you have been unable to pay or dispute the amount, the collector must follow the law called the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
Seek Legal Help
Flitter Milz is a nationally recognizedconsumer protection law firm that represents victims with problems involving credit reporting errors and abusive collection practices. Whether you owe the debt or not, our firm will evaluate whether your consumer rights have been violated. Contact us today for a free legal review.